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Showing posts from November, 2023

15MW - Studying

 I swear this is going to be a 15 minutes written rant since I have procrastinated studying for my final exam since last week, but here’s something I want to talk about: WARNING: Written super fast and I could not care less if I make sense nor if I have a proper grammar What is the ideal education system? I know that there’s no way we can do a one-fit-all system for all the different people in the society, but I have seen way too many people say that the current system is no good and rather killed their will to study. There are too many instances where we see people actually learn things they like easily. Is school hard because most of the subjects are not interesting? I would not say that true. Isn’t it fascinating to see why the work works and why a curved line path will roll a ball faster than a straight line would? Why is studying it in class so boring and make me wish I could go home and sleep instead? Why do I could watch a YouTube video about thermodynamics and enjoyed it an...

But She is a Lady

 She is a lady and I am the tramp that got stepped on on the street. She is a lady and I am the tramp that is waiting for pennies to fill his old hat. She is a lady and I am the tramp that keeps staring at her in awe. She is a lady and I am the tramp that adores her in secret. Knowing my place. Never dared to look at her eyes when she looked in my direction. Tell my heart to calm down when she grabbed my hand. Cause she's a lady. She's a lady. She's a— And I am a tramp. Live in the slum where the hopeless try to live. Smell and dirty. Far far away from the touch of the sun. Shutting my shameless heart when it dreams for a chanceless dream. I can't shut my heart this time. It was beating like a heavy rain hitting a zinc roof when we breathed the same air. Beats for the small chance of the seemingly chanceless dream. But she's a lady. Oh, if only we could be reborn. Then probably I would be able to stare at your eyes, and my heart will not be sinned to beat in your pr...

NutriSari Brazilian Sweet Orange

Sudah beberapa lama pertanyaan ini berada di kepala saya : Sebenarnya NutriSari jeruk yang rasanya macam-macam ini bedanya apa? Pertanyaan ini muncul kembali ke kepala saya setelah saya melihat NutriSari Brazilian Sweet Orange yang bungkusnya warna biru dongker (dan packaging ini sangat tempting , sungguh). Jadi pada akhirnya, seri ketiga dari “Mencoba varian dari…”(yang dipublikasikan baru 1) adalah “Mencoba varian dari NutriSari” atau NutriSari jeruk. Kontestan pertama kita adalah Brazillian Sweet Orange yang super duper tempting. Mungkin karena warna bungkusnya agak abnormal untuk ukuran minuman sachet jeruk.  Ketika saya tuangkan bubuknya ke gelas, sesungguhnya saya tidak mencium perbedaan aroma antara Brazillian Sweet Orange dan varian NutriSari jeruk lainnya. Setelah ditambah air juga warnanya gitu-gitu saja, oranye agak tua yang kalau pakai spektrofotometer mungkin absorbansinya 50% (saya bercanda. Saya tidak ingat bagaimana larutan absorbansi 50% terlihat). Aromanya sepet-...

"That Girl He Likes"

 When I was younger, a boy took a liking to me. For whatever reason, and one that had never been reciprocated. As someone who is hard to open up, and harder to the opposite gender, I found him as a friend. Never actually passing the comfortable-ness measure more than any other male, but falling far below female acquaintances that I considered as my friends. The only difference between this boy and any other male acquaintances I have is, he actively tried to talk more with me. And I replied: just how I would if any other person talked to me. There was this obvious infatuation that he didn’t try to hide. One obvious enough for people to notice. As time goes, people know me more as “that girl he likes” more than my own name. While I wouldn’t blame them for not seeing me as my own unique person, I feel much better being unknown than being known as an extension for someone’s name. (Although, I do agree that it’s really hard to not see me as a bland person when I haven’t felt comfortable...

A Reply to An Unsent Letter

 Hello, YoungerMe. I won't specify which one of you will receive this letter, so I will address everything that happened up to a couple months prior. It's nice to write to you, I have received a couple letters in the past that you sent me. Lots of them are distraughtful, and I am really sorry that you have to go through all that. However, the reason why I finally write you back a reply letter was because everything gets better lately. Not a lot, but I know you'd like to hear an improvement to our situation even if it's just .0001% and still changing like a buoyant boat. I'd like to inform you that we do get to a university. To our surprise,the ministry of education decided to change the college entrance exam in our year. Starting from zero preparation just like everyone else apparently had fluctuates your chance significantly. What happened in that university, though… probably wasn't as good as you expected it to be. We still have to work hard, and the "I ...

Tino Terriel

 The first time I met Tino was years ago: when I was still visiting Brya Aima as a guest and not a citizen. He was chattering with Jojo's subordinates. More like an old friend they knew than a little child who was chatting with the grown-ups. The hoodlums give in to his roleplay and play along as his right hand man. And that young boy was smirking proudly as they followed his directions. Jojo told me that another young boy brought him to his door. Begging for him to help the dying boy. Blood was everywhere and his body was already cold from the rain. He was on the brink of death. "He redone the bandage that I did." Jojo shrugged, "Tighter and tidier. Makes me wonder if he is used to wrapping his own wounds" Tino grew up under Jojo's wings. Influenced by the hoodlums, he didn't take much from Jojo's reserved, lawful personality. Lots of times, Jojo frustratingly complained about it. But both of us know he would never give up on the young boy no matter...

Blog #01 Social Media Detox

 Right now, I am detoxing myself out of social media. Which sounds great until I realize I have no idea what to do besides scrolling Twitter mindlessly when I am bored. Although I actually have a lot of shit to finish and study so I think there’s actually something I could do. Unfortunately, I have no interest to indulge myself with an activity with another human being. This is proven by the fact that I didn’t even go to the unit meeting I am supposedly having. I just think that 4 hours just socializing with people I don’t really know is really exhausting. I could tolerate 2 hours, but 4 hours makes me want to puke and die. I hope this condition get better, but I can’t suddenly throw myself into 4 hours meeting immediately because I became really unpleasant and hard to focus to anything anyone is saying in the second half. I thought of going back to making arts, comics, and stories, just like I did when I was younger. But I get pretty guilty when doing that. Weird how I don’t reall...