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I'd Go Back in Time and Change It, but I Can't

 The candle on the table flickered, swayed from the wind. The only source of light in the dark room. The floor was made of wood that has been eaten by termites, just like the wall and the roof. Fragile and ready to fall apart anytime.

It’s raining again tonight. The wind was too cold to handle only with a help of a small candle that almost lost its life. I pulled the thin blanket around my body closer. My eyes stayed watching the fire of the candle danced. The wax almost fully melted and so was the fuse. I don’t have any money to buy another one for tomorrow’s freezing night.

My stomach grumbled. It hasn’t eaten anything but a piece of bread that’s been moldy from the humid weather and lack of proper storage.

The air tastes disgusting. Mushrooms have grown on humid corners of our home. My home for ever since you left. I couldn’t do anything about it. A wrong step and everything will go to crumble. And I will no longer have a place to be called home if that happens.

You left me alone in this place we called home. And I used to be fine with it. Whether it is this damp sickening place, a cave, or even on the street, I will be fine if I was with you.

But you left me alone here. No. Fate took you away from me. Making our reaching hands never meet each other. In the cold night, Fate came and reaped you from your soul: In front of my very eyes, taking you from my own hands.

And I am left alone in the realm; regretting how I should’ve grabbed your hand tighter. Should’ve pulled you closer. Should’ve…

The candlelight has gone out.

Title taken from "Back to December" by Taylor Swift
