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I Am Terrible with Names

 I am really terrible with names.

Most of the time, I forget your name completely, without a trace in my brain. Sometimes I remember your face and not your name and reverse. Sometimes I only remember parts of your name, mostly a letter. Sometimes I remember your name but I thought it was someone else's name.

I am terrible with names. But I do remember some memorable ones : that person who helped me when I almost passed out during a ceremony, that person who acted like a fool in front of the class, that person who helped me to get on a bus I never get on before, and your name.

I looked at you once and you said your name: not even to me. To the teacher. And I remembered your name immediately.

Okay, the most logical reason is that your name only consists of two syllables. Simple and easy to remember. Another logical reason is that your face looks like my favorite actor and no one else looks like you. You are also very vocal and always sit on that chair in class that it was practically yours. It was easy to remember you. It was logically proven. No further guessing.

But my hopeless romantic self said, "Oh, this is probably because it's true love!" (which is definitely not)

And my political psychic self said, "Probably because he will have a big name in the future. A politician? An actor? A model? You better befriend him QUICK to get to his good side"

And then my pessimistic self said, "Probably because he will have a lawsuit against him and you would be looking at the tv thinking, 'Yikes, we used to sit in the same class'."

And lastly, my police officer persona said, "He probably does drugs" (It was a baseless accusation and later on I learnt that you in fact, DID NOT consume any drugs).

The conclusion of these thoughts is that, I better not trust anybody but my logical self. They tried so hard to become psychic and that sort of thing doesn’t exist, no? It’s better to stop overthinking and get my head off the cloud.

I put your name down from my thoughts, storing it in a cabinet of names that were easy to remember. Giving your name tags of what my memory could remember about you.

It’s good enough that I remember your name easily. There’s no need to overthink that.
